
This page provides short examples on how to make your first call and retrieve your data.

Making your first call

In this example, we will get all users in staging mode.

use Yousign\YousignApi;

 * token
$token = '123456789';

$yousign = new YousignApi($token);

$users = $yousign->getUsers();

$users contains an iterable UserCollection object.

All API responses are converted into objects (See api_reference).

All of them offer toArray(), toJson() methods and getters to access their properties.

Collection objects are iterable.


You can use toArray() method to dump all data as a PHP array.



You can use toJson() method to serialize all data as a JSON object.

echo $users->toJson();

Iterate over a collection

You can iterate over all items of a collection.

foreach ($users as $user) {
     * For each User model, some methods are available

    // toArray(): to get all property values

    // get + property name
    echo PHP_EOL . "User.id=" . $user->getId();

    // property (read-only)
    echo PHP_EOL . "User.id=" . $user->id;

    // Some properties are models that you can use the same way
    echo PHP_EOL . "User.Group.id=" . $user->getGroup()->getId();
    echo PHP_EOL . "User.Group.id=" . $user->group->id;

    // Some properties are collections that you can iterate
    foreach ($user->group->permissions as $index => $permission) {
        echo PHP_EOL . "User.Group.Permission.name=" . $permission->getName();

    // At any level, you can call a toArray() to dump the current model
    // and its children
    echo PHP_EOL . "User.Group=\n";
    echo PHP_EOL . "User.Group.Permissions=\n";